
We make the best our standard.


BRCGS (British Retail Consortium Global Standards) is a globally recognized certificate for food safety and quality standards. It ensures compliance with strict requirements in the areas of quality/hygiene in the food industry.

ISO 50001

ISO 50001 is an international standard for energy management. It focuses on increasing energy efficiency, reducing costs, and minimizing environmental impacts by establishing and maintaining effective energy management systems.

ISO 50001

The FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) certificate guarantees that wood and paper products come from sustainable forestry. It promotes environmentally sound, socially responsible, and economically viable forestry practices.


PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) is a certificate for sustainable forest management. It promotes ecological and social responsibility by labeling wood products from certified forests.

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is a globally recognized quality management system certificate. It helps organizations improve processes, increase client satisfaction, and deliver high-quality products and services.


GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) is a quality certificate for the production of pharmaceuticals and food. It ensures that manufacturing processes comply with strict quality standards.


With the certification, we guarantee the highest level of color accuracy verification prior to print production. It defines print parameters such as color profile, screening, and paper settings to achieve consistently high-quality results.

ISO 12647

ISO 12647 is an international standard for offset printing. It defines specifications for color, tolerances, and printing processes. The aim is to ensure consistent and high-quality print results.


The DPG certificate (German Deposit Corporation) confirms compliance with manufacturing, deposit, and return processes for beverage packaging in Germany, promoting recycling and environmental sustainability in the beverage sector.


ÖKOPROFIT® is a practical program for integrated environmental management. To obtain certification, a basic program is completed and independently evaluated. There are annual follow-up programs to be completed to ensure continuity in improving environmental performance.

Ökoprofit Plus

ÖKOPROFIT Plus enables businesses to practically supplement their existing environmental management with aspects of social and economic responsibility in line with the UN Social Development Goals (SDGs). This supplementary module supports an individual process of continuous improvement in sustainability management. Among other topics, the program includes regionality, resilience, risk management, circular economy, product responsibility, eco-design, innovation, diversity, equal opportunities, and much more.

Climate Active Project Partner

klimaaktiv Partner is an award from the federal government for engagement in climate protection, with an action plan for 2030 and the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2040.


Science Based Targets focuses on emissions targets that are based on scientific evidence. We are a partner of this network and are committed to further reducing greenhouse gas emissions to effectively mitigate climate change and limit global temperature rise.


We are part of EcoVadis, a platform for sustainability assessments of companies. It evaluates suppliers based on ecological, social, and ethical criteria, thereby helping to create more sustainable supply chains and minimize risks.

Excellent training company

By training apprentices, we not only meet the constantly increasing demand for qualified professionals but also provide young people with the opportunity to undergo a highly practical education with diverse possibilities, thereby laying the foundation for a successful career. The initiative "Ausgezeichneter Lehrbetrieb" honors motivated and committed training companies for their high quality and dedication to apprentice training.

Ausgezeichneter Lehrbetrieb
Inclusion-friendly company

The "Living Opportunities" campaign by the Vorarlberg state government honors inclusion-friendly companies that actively contribute to inclusion. (Currently, the certification is suspended by the state of Vorarlberg.)
